5 Amazing Ways to Use Tailwind App's AI to Streamline Your Business Marketing

inbound marketing online marketing organization running a business Dec 11, 2023

Are you looking for an amazing all-in-one marketing machine that won't break the bank? With social scheduling, content generation, image creation, email marketing, and SO MUCH MORE, Tailwind is my top pick for online marketing when it comes to small businesses. In this post, I'm going to explore the ways you can use Tailwind App's artificial intelligence to streamline your business marketing.


#1 Use Tailwind App's Ghostwriter AI to Write AMAZING Copy

With over 40 listed use cases, you can quickly and easily write creative copy for your business IN your own voice. You just load your branding information and your brand voice into the framework, select the type of content you want to make, enter all the important information and let the AI do the rest.

The system already knows what you need in every use case and makes sure that it's part of your content.

OF COURSE, it's important to proofread and edit ALL AI generated written copy!


#2 Use Tailwind Email to Create Full Email Marketing Automations

Did you know that you can actually host all of your email marketing through Tailwind App?

Most people don't know that BUT it's actually pretty freakin' good. You can create multiple opt-in forms, send out regular newsletter-style campaigns, AND create effective sales funnels!

They use triggers and actions like most of the leading email marketing platforms and can go toe to toe with most of the big competition. It's actually pretty damn impressive, if you ask me. I still think something like Mailerlite is best for larger businesses that need to integrate multiple selling platforms etc. but Tailwind's built in email automations might be just what you need to keep costs low AND keep everything in one place.



#3 Use Tailwind Create to Generate Social Images

Just plug in your blog post or landing page and Tailwind will pull the images and words from your site to build out different types and styles of social media posts. I'm talkin' Pinterest, Instagram, and more!

You can also add stock photos, change the words, adjust the colours, and more.

If you put your branding information into the app already it will automatically add your branding to the posts!



#4 Autopost Your Social Media

You can create posts in batches for your social and schedule them up on Tailwind! You might even notice that you can use the "generate" button to add some great AI generated captions!

Something else I love about Tailwind App is that you can have it text you your Instagram stories and reels. NOTHING seems to be able to autopost your stories right now, but you can still at least schedule them to be texted to you so you get a reminder to post them! (PRO TIP - If you want to add a link to the story put it into the "caption" area in Tailwind so you will text yourself the link too!)



#5 Prompts and Marketing Plans

I might have saved the best for last.

While it's great to be able to schedule everything and create the content, you also need... IDEAS and PLANS.

When you first set up your account you will answer a series of questions about your business and your marketing goals and Tailwind will create suggests for you about what to post and when to post it.

It will populate your marketing calendar with suggestions for emails, blog posts, and social media content so you are always one step ahead of the game. ANNNNNDDDD it will show you examples of specific types of posts to get you thinking!


Overall, Tailwind is one of my favorite apps for running online marketing for clients. Even when they choose to use a different email provider, for example, I will still use Tailwind for all their Meta social media marketing needs.

And I didn't even mention the incredible things it can do for your business's Pinterest reach... πŸ˜‰


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