AI-Proof Your Business - A Guide for Freelancers and Online Service Providers

branding inbound marketing online marketing running a business service based business Feb 05, 2024

Is AI coming for your business? Will ChatGPT and it's spinoff cousins steal your job? Is there any room left in the online marketplace for REAL PEOPLE to do the work? I say NO, it will not steal your job. YES there will still be room for you. BUT you might need to pivot to survive.

In this post, we'll explore the ways that artificial intelligence is currently impacting the work of freelancers and online service providers AND what's to come. THEN, we'll look at how you can AI-proof your business for ultimate success.


BUT FIRST, if you're struggling to find your unique space in the online marketplace I have you covered. This free training comes with a workbook, a brand kit, and 60+ minutes of video lessons to help you create a CONCRETE plan for your online biz. Ready to get started? πŸ‘‡


We can't stop AI from impacting online service work

Listen, I'd love to be up on my soapbox yelling about how we need to squash AI while we still have the chance (because I DO think it can be slippery slope we're totally unprepared for as a species) but the truth is: I'm not going to stop this. I can't influence the growth of AI any more than I can influence the weather. What I CAN do is figure out how to create a business that works with AI and help you do the same.

If we're going to be successful in our work as online entrepreneurs, freelancers, copywriters, marketers, etc. we need to learn how to embrace AI. Anyone who fails to do so will be left behind.



The struggle between AI and online freelancers has begun

I hate to say it but we're already dealing with the effects of AI in the online marketplace. ESPECIALLY in the midst of tough economic times, more and more companies are turning to AI as an affordable option for their online marketing needs.

I'm friends with a LOT of freelancers and this seems to be a growing trend and there is growing concern among freelancers and online service providers that there simply isn't enough work to go around. I beg to differ but it WILL require staying the course and taking this slow time as a moment to pause, assess, make changes, and come back even better.

What you have as a digital service provider that AI doesn't (yet)

I think that resiliency in the online marketing work is going to boil down to two things for entrepreneurs:

#1 - Waiting for businesses to realize the pitfalls of AI

#2 - Shifting your business model to incorporate AI as part of your offerings

The economy is shaky at best right now and businesses are doing everything they can to stay profitable. That often means cutting back on certain expenses (like freelancers). But fear not. Most of them will realize that AI often spits out routine, un-human, and often incorrect information and copy that won't actually serve them in the long run.

So, in a way, you can kind of wait it out for now. Things will slow down but they WILL pick back up if you hang tight and keep doing what you do best.

That being said, the upswing might only last for a little while because AI is growing better and better at setting up funnels, steering people toward end goals, writing copy, putting together social posts and more. 😨 Don't panic!




The secret to being flexible in the ever-changing AI-led online marketing world

Whether you're an end-to-end marketer like me, a social media manager, a graphic designer, or a copywriter you need to know how to be flexible in the current online marketing world. AI touches every aspect of this world and if you can learn to USE it you will be ahead.

Now hang on a minute, though. I'm not saying have AI do the work for you while you charge the same amount of money. Because if you do THAT you might find that you LOSE clients instead of gaining them. You work quality will slip and companies can just go around you and use the AI themselves.

So what DO you do?

Create packages that include AI as your assistant (and those that don't).

Make your AI-supported offers cheaper because they honestly take you less time to complete. Take on more clients or more tasks and SHOW your clients that you understand how much more efficient you've become.



Done for you social content from scratch = $1600

  • 30 static images + captions
  • 5 reels + captions

Done for you social content with AI assist = $900

  • 30 static images + captions
  • 5 reels + captions
  • AI does some of the writing and post creation, but I make sure it matches the goals, company messaging, etc. and create some of the content myself.


It doesn't have to be "online service providers VS artificial intelligence."  You CAN build a strong, resilient business that works hand in hand with AI.


Still struggling with the idea of AI overtaking your online business? Check out Episode 3 of my podcast where I dive into the biggest mindset roadblocks holding you back in your business.


Make sure that your offers and your brand message meet your client's needs πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Build a brand + a market strategy that SELLS (for you AND your clients)

The exact branding + marketing kit I use for my business and my clients.

AND a 30-minute video walkthrough of how to use it!

PLUS a bonus workbook to align your message and offers with your customer's needs and desires.

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